Flutter Mane @ Life Orb Ability: Protosynthesis Level: 50 Tera Type: Fairy EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe Timid Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Dazzling Gleam - Shadow Ball - Substitute - Protect Roaring Moon @ Booster Energy Ability: Protosynthesis Level: 50 Tera Type: Flying EVs: 244 HP / 60 Atk / 92 Def / 4 SpD / 108 Spe Jolly Nature - Acrobatics - Breaking Swipe - Tailwind - Substitute Garganacl @ Leftovers Ability: Purifying Salt Level: 50 Tera Type: Poison EVs: 252 HP / 60 Def / 196 SpD Impish Nature - Salt Cure - Recover - Iron Defense - Protect Brambleghast @ Mirror Herb Ability: Wind Rider Level: 50 Tera Type: Fairy EVs: 252 HP / 116 Atk / 132 Def / 4 SpD / 4 Spe Adamant Nature - Power Whip - Shadow Sneak - Strength Sap - Protect Ting-Lu @ Sitrus Berry Ability: Vessel of Ruin Level: 50 Tera Type: Poison EVs: 148 HP / 52 Atk / 4 Def / 244 SpD / 60 Spe Careful Nature - Ruination - Earthquake - Heavy Slam - Stealth Rock Chi-Yu @ Choice Specs Ability: Beads of Ruin Level: 50 Tera Type: Water EVs: 100 HP / 100 Def / 124 SpA / 4 SpD / 180 Spe Timid Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Heat Wave - Dark Pulse - Overheat - Tera Blast
notas: https://shigumaaa.hatenablog.com/entry/2023/06/13/190806 Exported by @VGCPastes